sexta-feira, 12 de setembro de 2008


We were indicated by Diana Luciano Grayfox from the blog Diana's Muse to this award.

So, as a part of the award rules, we have made our indications. Some of the blogs we chose are Brazilian, like ours, but some are from far away, but very true as a part of our affection and admiration.

We thank Diana a lot, it was very honorable to us!

Our selection is:
- 78 Notes do Self: written by Ginny Hunt, whose ideas about tarot are very inspirated - she also carries some episodes of a podcast and take some participation on Tarot Connection podcast.
- Arbor Reality: a blog about trees and how they can be a part of our spirituality. It is very well written and the material is very interesting.
- Gaian Tarot: blog by Joanna Powell, who has been building a wonderful tarot deck called The Gaian Tarot - a must see and Filhote de Lua's favorite!
- Green Womyn: blog by Dani Sales, who writes about herbal magick. This one is Brazilian!
- Iberia Aeterna: kept by our friend Everson, who studies magick and witchcraft based on the Iberic cultures and traditions. In Portuguese.
- Irmandade da Panela de Barro: by our friends from Espírito Santo. They talk about Paganism in a non-fluffy bunny way.
- Tarot Connections: podcast blog about tarot, with amazing episodes talking about everything Tarot (Pietra's must visit!).

To you all, thanks a lot and hope to hear from you!
Inês Raven, Pietra di Chiaro e Sarah Filhote de Lua.

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